... based on AWB-Sources
Target Platform definition based on the Agent.Workbench (AWB) Software Resources
Last updated
Target Platform definition based on the Agent.Workbench (AWB) Software Resources
Last updated
This tutorial aims to show AWB developers how to import Agent.Workbench to the Eclipse IDE and setup the run configuration. To avoid any problems, there are some prerequisites for completing this tutorial:
This tutorial uses the Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developer. To follow along, we recommend to also install Eclipse.
Java version 8 must be installed and the Eclipse preferences for jre and compiler are set to java 1.8.
Go to the Agent.Workbench GitHub site. Click Clone or download and copy the link.
Now open the Eclipse IDE. In Eclipse it is recommended to use to use the Plug-in Development Perspective. You can change the Perspective under Window > Perspective > Open Perspective > Other... > Plug-in Development.
Now we can clone Agent.Workbench directly from inside the Eclipse IDE with the Git Repositories view. To add this view to your Perspective, go to Window > Show View > Other... > Git > Git Repositories.
Open the Git Repositories tab at the bottom and click clone a Git repository. Then follow the wizard.
Paste the repository link from GitHub to the URI text field. Click Next.
Make sure to only select the master branch. Click Next.
Specify the directory where you want to save the local repository. Make sure to not import all existing projects. We don't need all projects and will select them manually. Click Finish.
After completing the wizard, Eclipse downloads a local copy of the Agent.Workbench repository and displays it in the Git Repositories view.
To get the bundles into the Eclipse workspace, we need to import them from the location, where we stored the local copy of the Agent.Workbench repository. Therefore right-click the Agent.Workbench repository and choose Import Projects.
The repository contains bundles, that we don't want to import. By default, all the bundles are selected, so we have to manually deselect the following:
The AgentWorkbench bundle at the top
All bundles which are imported as Maven
Then click Finish. After importing the bundles, Agent.Workbench should appear as a project in the Project-explorer on the left.
If the Project Explorer displays the project as a list of bundles, change the Project Presentation to Hierarchical.
In some cases, an Error occurs in the project after importing the bundles from the local repository. The Errors of type "Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: ..." are known and don't impact the behavior of Agent.Workbench, so we can just delete them (right-click > Delete).